Over a period of 30 days Steffen K challenged himself to created 1 second of animation every day. The idea was to experiment and explore workflow in the software package Cinema 4D and publish one frame from my experiments daily..
Tastebuddies Tastebuddies by Heineken is a concept created by 358 Helsinki for Flow Festival in Helsinki. It was a show where two top designers with conflicting tastes were locked in a container. They got a a brief and 30 minutes to solve the problem. Did they walk out with a product that could actually be made? ...
Nova A DIY documentary film on art and the artists behind it. Directed by Isaac Niemand, it was all filmed on the heat of the live action at ®Nova Contemporary Culture which happened in July and August 2010, in the Museum of Image and Sound, São Paulo, Brazil. An inspiring 75min DIY documentary film on new art ...
Water Ink To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited will roll out a campaign to build awareness of the scourge of undrinkable water. Today, it is estimated that 3.6 million people, including 1.5 million children under the age of 5, die every year of diseases borne by unhealthy water, making ...
MIT Media Lab Identity The logo is based on a visual system, an algorithm that produces a unique logo for each person, for faculty, staff and students. Each person can claim and own an individual shape and can use it on their business card a personal website. The design encompasses all collateral, business cards, letterhead, website, animations, signage etc. ...