Repositories of stories and its enriching emotions, the covers, that accomodate the existing panoply of musical genres, are the motto for this exibition. The focus is made on album covers that often conquer our memory even when music slightly reached our ears. Major graphic disasters or deified, unduly ignored or zeitgeists, covers provide listening with ...
Strata #44 Strata #4 is a multi-channel immersive video-installation commissioned by Palais de Beaux Arts in Lille. The subject of this work is a series of iconic pieces from the museum’s Flemish collection, focusing specifically on Rubens’ and Van Dyck’s grand altarpieces. Strata #4 is the result of a study and exploration of the paintings themselves, delving ...
PressPausePlay The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities. But does democratized culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the ...
Infinity Water “Infinity water” is a journey through physical properties of the most abundant compound on Earth's surface. Exploring the interaction between colorless, odorless liquid and music, discovering the infinity encoded in water's memory. Credits Director: Rimantas Lukavicius VFX / Design company: KORB
Sync Sync "is based on the idea that there is an underlying unchanging synchronisation at the centre of everything; a sync that was decided at the very beginning of time. Everything follows from it, everything is ruled by it: all time, all physics, all life. And all animation." (Max Hattler, 2011, 'Sync: Circular Adventures in Animation' ...
What is Motion Design ? "Motion Plus Design" is a project which aims to create the first exhibition center dedicated to Motion Design in Paris, france. This is a non-profit project. Students, professionals and anyone interested could discover artists, meet and learn. This centre will also provide an opportunity to promote artists in other design departments so the different graphic design ...
Gift Vending Machine! The Nokia gift machine: - a vending machine that simply dispenses gifts to anyone that checks-in on Foursquare! The machine was built in support of Social Media Week and has its very own venue on Foursquare, when users check-in to that venue, they hear a ""clunk"" and reach inside to claim their's that easy."
Bacteria Billboard Building on its reputation for always being ahead of the curve, Warner Bros. Pictures Canada created a unique outdoor installation merging science and advertising that is guaranteed to leave movie lovers, science buffs and art enthusiasts in 'awe' or 'eww'. The public was invited to witness first-hand the remarkable growing power of natural bacteria on Wednesday ...